Category Archive: Current Affairs

All You Need is Love: MJ discusses Fifty Shades of Grey

As you’re no doubt aware, the Fifty Shades of Grey film adaptation premieres today. I will probably be going to see it (review to come). I have also read all three books, which… Continue reading

“The Fappening” – A Blame Game

So this is a quick blast-post about the horrible event that has taken place in the past 24 hours. Anyone with their finger on the pulse of social media will know that a… Continue reading

Sexual Performance

So, last Sunday night I was listening to live jazz in a hipster vegan bar and got talking to a bisexual Swedish woman. (I’m not vegan but Glasgow is full of hipster restaurants and pubs… Continue reading

Bird Calls and Pin Ups

I thought I’d write a bit of a news post for you all to tell you what’s coming up in the next few months and what VJ and I are both working on.… Continue reading

Swinging both ways (Guest Post)

Two and a half years ago I had sex with a woman for the first time, pressed against my flat mates bedroom door in the middle of a full scale house party, which… Continue reading

The Mrs Carter Show

This week I went to see The Mrs Carter Show. I’m a bit of a fan-girl anyway, but I’ve never before found myself screaming in excitement as I did when Beyoncé came on… Continue reading

“Microsoft” Condoms

So last night the philanthropist and benevolent computer whiz Bill Gates partook in another AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit, and revealed an aspect of his work that I for one was not… Continue reading


In the past week the internet has gone crazy over the new, ridiculous, bra launched by Japanese lingerie company Ravijour (read: RAVAGE HER). Bursting onto our screens, and out of our cups, Ravijour’s… Continue reading

A retort to the Tory-Graph

We just stumbled across this article in The Telegraph and have mixed feelings towards it. Firstly, let’s address the horrendously misleading title. I can hear my TROLL klaxon wailing from about 50 miles… Continue reading

Drawing With Light

It is only now, at the age of 23, that I have come to terms with photography and appreciate it for what it is – an art form. Growing up, cameras were definitely… Continue reading


I don’t know where the mythology of women enjoying yogurt started but it’s recently gotten out of control… Switch to any channel during an Ad break and I guarantee you’ll see anywhere between… Continue reading

Candy-crushed My Sex Life

Is technology taking over our sex lives? This recent article by the BBC outlining statistics from a ‘once-a-decade poll of 15,000 Britons found those aged 16-44 were having sex fewer than five times… Continue reading